Digital Verbum Edition
The Roman Martyrology is an official and accredited record of the glorious deeds of the saints in all ages of the Church, up through 1900; whom her solemn verdict has beatified or canonized. These saints are not merely heroes; they are models. Christ lived in them, and Christ yet speaks through them. Their example still appeals to our minds and to our hearts, more eloquently today than in their own generation. Though dead, they still speak.
The Roman Martyrology is organized as a daily calendar. After the date, each saint for that day, according to the old calendar, is listed. Each entry generally provides the name of each saint, information on the location of where the saint died, and if a martyr, a short description of the circumstances of his or her death. An extensive index of saints is also provided.
The Logos edition of The Roman Martyrology allows you to study even further. Connect with the Catechism, the Bible, and the writings of the saints every time they are mentioned in the text. Footnotes, Bible references, and cross-references appear on mouseover, allowing you to dive right into the resources that support what you’re reading.
“In Sweden, the translation of the body of St. Bridget, widow.” (Page 310)
“St. Peter Claver, confessor of the Society of Jesus, who labored with wonderful self-abnegation and great charity among the negro slaves for more than forty years and baptized personally almost thirty thousand of them. He was canonized by order of pope Leo XIII.” (Pages 277–278)
“Diocletian, the holy martyrs Quiricus, and Julitta, his mother” (Page 175)
“St. Barbara, virgin and martyr, in the persecution of Maximinus. After a series of sufferings, a long imprisonment, burning with torches and the cutting off of her breasts, she terminated her martyrdom by the sword.” (Page 373)
“For the faith of Christ he was loaded with fetters scourged, tortured, burned with torches, torn with iron” (Page 292)
James Gibbons (1834–1921) was appointed as cardinal in 1886, the second American to reach that rank in the Catholic Church. Before that, he served as the archbishop of Baltimore, MD. He was the author of numerous works, including The Faith of Our Fathers, Our Christian Heritage, and The Ambassador of Christ.
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