Digital Verbum Edition
This first volume of the New Testament commentary covers the four Gospels. You will be deeply impacted by Hawker’s rich commentary on the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take an intimate tour with Hawker through the first century alongside Jesus and his disciples.
“But the righteousness the Son of God had in view, when declaring these souls blessed which hungered and thirsted for it, was his own complete righteousness, which alone can justify a poor sinner in the sight of God. So that in the hungering for it, the soul gave evident proofs that he had no righteousness of his own to appear in before God, and therefore earnestly longed to be cloathed with Christ’s robe of righteousness, and garment of salvation. And graciously the Lord Jesus here declares all such shall not hunger in vain. He who excites the hunger in the soul, is He who also satisfieth it.” (Page 36)
“Jesus both hears, and sees, and knows all your sorrows: yea, himself it is, that measures out your portion of exercise; and is all the while infinitely more disposed, to administer the needed comfort, than you are to ask it. But he waits to be gracious: that is, waits the properest time, which is the best time to answer his purpose, and your real happiness. Jesus, therefore, for the present answers the poor woman not a word.” (Page 108)
“Blessed are the pure in heart; made so by regenerating grace; for by nature the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Jerem. 17:9. Hence the Lord promiseth his people to take away the heart of stone, and give them an heart of flesh. Ezek. 36:25, 26. The people that are blessed are those whose hearts the Lord hath changed, who are indeed holy and pure in the cleansing and justifying purity and holiness of the Lord, their righteousness; but who feel conscious of the remains of indwelling corruption under which they groan.” (Page 36)