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300 Quotations for Preachers from the Reformation


Digital Verbum Edition

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Quotations from the Reformation

Find precisely the words you need for any occasion with 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Reformation. Choosing a fitting quotation to share with your congregation—a task that can often take hours—will now take you minutes. In this resource you’ll find entries from more than 20 authors and works, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, Desiderius Erasmus, Menno Simons, Teresa of Ávila, Thomas Cranmer, and more. Share the quotations with professionally designed slides—one to accompany each quotation.

Key Features

300 Quotations for Preachers from the Reformation:

  • Provides material for sermon prep—If you’re preaching on a Scripture or topic, you can search this resource to easily find relevant quotations.
  • Makes sharing easy—The slides make it easy to incorporate quotations into your presentation. To export a quotation into a document, just copy and paste, and the quotation will appear automatically footnoted with bibliographic information for the volume.
  • Creates elegant presentations—The slide design matches the church era from which the quotation originated, setting the stage for you to articulate how your message connects with the history of Christian thought.
  • Saves time and effort—No need to comb through multiple books looking for an appropriate quotation. This curated collection is categorized multiple ways, making this resource easier to use than other quotation books.
  • Offers relevance today—We have updated the archaic language (like “thee” and “thou”) from older sources, making these prayers ready to use in a modern context. The prayers are also abbreviated to a sermon-appropriate length.

This curated collection of 300 quotations, which works with Proclaim and other presentation software, is organized by title, theme, and associated Scripture references. Every quotation includes a link to the original resource in your Logos library. Each quotation is just a few clicks away from being part of your sermon or message, edited to conform with modern English in a perfect length for preaching.

Top Highlights

“You are God’s tool. He wills to wear you out by use, not by idleness. Oh, happy man, whom He calls to His work!” (source)

“Christ’s victory … is the overcoming of the law, of sin, our flesh, the world, the devil, death, hell and all evils; and this his victory he has given to us. Although, then, these tyrants and these enemies of ours accuse us and make us afraid, yet they cannot drive us to despair, nor condemn us; for Christ, whom God the Father has raised up from the dead, is our righteousness and victory.” (source)

“The pastor ought to have two voices: one for gathering the sheep, and another for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves. The Scripture supplies him with the means of doing both; for he who is deeply skilled in it will be able both to govern those who are teachable, and to refute the enemies of the truth.” (source)

“I ask Christ for this one thing only, that He will enable me to endure all things courageously, and that He break me as a potter’s vessel or make me strong, as it pleases Him.” (source)

“There is nothing that God more abominates than when men endeavor to cloak themselves by substituting signs and external appearance for integrity of heart.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title: 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Reformation
  • Editor: Elliot Ritzema
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Format: Logos Digital

About Elliot Ritzema

Elliot Ritzema served as an Old Testament editor for the Lexham English Bible. He is the editor of the Pastorum Series and the Spurgeon Commentary series, as well as a contributor to Faithlife Study Bible. He holds an MDiv from Regent College and is a regular contributor to Bible Study Magazine.


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  1. Daniel



  2. Chad Ethridge

    Chad Ethridge

