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Matthew: Structure, Christology, Kingdom

Digital Verbum Edition

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This book attempts a solution to the problems of the structure, Christology, and Kingdom-theology of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. The author contends that the broad structure of the Gospel consists of three main parts: the person of Jesus Messiah, the proclamation of Jesus Messiah, and the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Messiah.

This understanding of the broad structure of Matthew’s Gospel opens the way to a proper understanding of his Christology. That is, for Matthew, Jesus is first and foremost the Messiah, the Son of God. Kingbury’s analysis of the texts in which “Son of God” appears, and of the numerous other Christological terms Matthew employs, confirms this conclusion.

Kingbury demonstrates how Matthew develops both the structure and the primary theological concept of his Gospel, “The Kingdom of Heaven,” around the Christological category of “the Son of God.” A rigorous conclusion reached is that the focus of the Gospel of Matthew is revealed more in his Christology than in his ecclesiology.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

  • Describes Christology as the heart of Matthew’s message
  • Segments the Gospel of Matthew into three distinct sections for study
  • Analyzes with clear insight the passages in which the term “Son of God” appears
  • The Structure of Matthew’s Gospel and His Concept of Salvation-History
    • The Structure of the Gospel
    • The Structure of the Gospel Reconsidered
    • The Evangelist's Concept of Salvation History
    • Summary
  • The Christology of Matthew: The Title Son of God
    • The Title “Son of God” in 1:1–4:16
    • The Title “Son of God” in 4:17–28:20
    • Summary
  • The Christology of Matthew: Other Titles
    • Minor Christological Terms
    • Major Christological Terms
    • Summary
  • Matthew’s View of the Son of God and the Kingdom of Heaven
    • The Gospel of the Kingdom
    • The Concept of the Kingdom of Heaven
    • The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Satan
    • The Kingdom of Heaven and Israel and the Nations
    • The Kingdom of Heaven and the Church

Top Highlights

“For the church to know precisely ‘now’ what it means to live under God’s Rule exercised as it is by the exalted Son of God and hence to know who this Son of God is, what it means to follow him, why it is that the Jews in the ‘synagogue across the street’146 do not confess his name, and what the task of the church is to be to the close of the age, Matthew imbues the traditions relating to Jesus and his disciples ‘then’ with the concerns of his own day. Although he does this, the evidence does not support the contention that in the document he writes he has, in effect, reduced his sense of history to the single point of the present.” (Page 39)

“‘Spatially,’ God in the person of his Son resides even now with those who live in the sphere of his eschatological Rule” (Page 138)

“This part has to do with the public ministry of Jesus Messiah, the Son of God, to Israel.” (Page 129)

“Matthew makes of the disciples the representatives of the Christians of his church” (Page 33)

“person of the earthly and exalted Son of God, God has come to dwell with his own” (Page 138)

Professor Kingsbury has brought to the Gospel of Matthew a fresh glance and a new insight. Without ignoring the heavy backlog of scholarship on this Gospel, he has proposed that redaction criticism restore its focus on Christology which is the heart of Matthew’s message. Amid the wealth of titles of Jesus used by Matthew, Kingsbury argues persuasively that the Evangelist saw Jesus first and foremost as Song of God.

—George MacRae, former dean, Harvard Divinity School

Jack Dean Kingsbury is the Aubrey Lee Brooks Professor of Theology, emeritus, at Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. He is the author of The Christology of Mark’s Gospel and Conflict in Luke: Jesus, Authorities, Disciples.


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