Digital Verbum Edition
Thomas Oden’s Systematic Theology has been described as three volumes, two millennia of thought, one masterpiece of synthesis. Oden attempts to emphasize the common beliefs in all the branches of Christendom, rather than concentrate on the issues that divide. He brings the full weight of two millennia of discussion to bear on the ever-contemporary questions of Christian faith, referencing hundreds of theologians—Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, charismatic—and highlighting the foundational exegetes of history. Faithful to biblical teaching and classical tradition, Oden’s direct, frank, and provocative approach articulates the concerns and beliefs of a broad spectrum of Christians—pastors, teachers, seminarians, and thoughtful laity.
Though comprehensive in scope, the set is arranged in a Trinitarian fashion with each volume focusing on one person of the Godhead. The first volume explores the Christian understanding of God, creation and providence. The second volume discusses Christ and the Incarnation. The third volume considers the presence of the Holy Spirit in history, and His power in the lives and communities of present day believers.
The most impressive systematic exercise in ecumenical ‘consensual thinking’ in print.
—Religious Studies Review
A rich blend of biblical truth and historical theology.
One of the best systematic theologies around.
A massive exploration of Christology. . . A welcome addition to the pastor’s bookshelf and a needed voice in the contemporary theological conversation.
[Oden] makes his mark in systematic theology with this presentation of the classical Christian understanding of God, creation, revelation, and theological methodology. . . [Oden] offers unabashed support of classical theism.
—Cross Currents
Oden divides this volume into four parts. Part One discusses the name, nature and character of God. Part Two looks at the reality of God—concentrating on the debate of God’s existence and Triune personhood. Part Three looks at the work of God as creator and sustainer. Sin and evil are deliberated, as are natural causality and general and special providence. Part Four considers whether God can actually be studied and how His self-revelation plays an epistemological part in knowing Him.
The focal point in Oden’s second volume is Jesus Christ. He is the Word made flesh, and this idea engages Oden in a methodical examination of Christ’s deity, the incarnation, and Christ’s humanity. In pursuit of the historical Jesus, we are invited to an intimate look at Jesus’ public ministry, as well as His death and resurrection.
In these eleven chapters, Oden considers the person and work of the Holy Spirit. He displays the Spirit’s hand in the believer’s salvation, justification and sanctification, and reveals His work in the Church and in human destiny.
Thomas C. Oden (M.A., Ph.D., Yale University) is Henry Anson Buttz Professor of Theology and Ethics at Drew University. Oden is best-known as a proponent of paleo-orthodoxy, an approach to theology that often relies on patristic sources. He suggests that Christians need to rely upon the wisdom of the historical Church, particularly the early Church, rather than on modern scholarship and theology, which is often, in his view, tainted by political agendas. He is the author of more than thirty books, including Kerygma and Counseling, and Classical Pastoral Care (4 Vols.), and is the general editor of the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture.
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Robert J Richardson
Abner F. Hernandez
Ralph A. Abernethy III
Jason Semans