Digital Verbum Edition
For many readers the Epistle to the Hebrews is among the most difficult books of the New Testament. Understanding its message calls for a great familiarity with its Old Testament background and a good knowledge of certain phases of first-century biblical exegesis. When first published in 1964, this commentary on Hebrews by F. F. Bruce received critical praise for providing the expertise needed on both these fronts.
The last volume on which Bruce was able to complete revisions before his death in 1990, this edition of The Epistle to the Hebrews evidences 25 years of further study on Bruce’s part—especially through thoroughly updated and embellished footnotes that take into account the numerous publications on Hebrews that have appeared in the intervening years. Bruce also replaced the commentary’s use of the American Standard Version of 1901 with his own translation of the original Greek text to make his verse-by-verse exposition as clear as possible.
With Logos, the NICNT will integrate into the Passage Guide. Whenever you enter your passage and click go, results from the NICNT will appear on the text you’re studying. This gives you instant access to exactly what you’re looking for—in far less time than it would take you to walk over to the bookshelf and begin flipping through a print volume, let alone find the information you need.
The original edition was still arguably the best English commentary on Hebrews for general use. The update of this standard commentary is unreservedly welcomed.
—The Bible Translator
Solid, sound, and scholarly. Its usefulness to students, pastors, clergy, and for many details, to scholars, will be immense.
—Novum Testamentum
Here is an excellent commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews.
—Review and Expositor
Every preacher and New Testament scholar should have a commentary by F. F. Bruce on Hebrews in his or her library.
—Calvin Theological Journal
F. F. Bruce was Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester in England. During his distinguished career he wrote numerous widely used commentaries and books and served as the general editor of the New International Commentary on the New Testament series from 1962 to 1990.
“God has pledged himself to pardon all who truly repent, but Scripture and experience alike suggest that it is possible for human beings to arrive at a state of heart and life where they can no longer repent.” (Page 149)
“The practical implication is clear: it is not the hearing of the gospel by itself that brings final salvation, but its appropriation by faith; and if that faith is a genuine faith, it will be a persistent faith.” (Pages 105–106)
“What God essentially is, is made manifest in Christ. To see Christ is to see what the Father is like.” (Page 48)
“The warning of this passage was a real warning against a real danger, a danger which is still present so long as ‘an evil heart of unbelief’ can result in ‘deserting the living God’ (3:12).” (Page 148)
“The most that can be said on this score, however, is that the recipients of the epistle were probably Jewish believers in Jesus whose background was not so much the normative Judaism represented by rabbinical tradition as the nonconformist Judaism of which the Essenes and the Qumran community are outstanding representatives, but not the only representatives.” (Page 8)
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Anderson Abreu
Scott Pippin
Darren Bradley
Paulo Rabello
Peter Ryan
Noah Shuler
Jim Rudolph
Jonathan Hitz