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Products>Near Eastern Archaeology (20 vols. | 74 issues | 1992–2011)

Near Eastern Archaeology (20 vols. | 74 issues | 1992–2011)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $285.50
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Archaeological discoveries continually enrich our understanding of the people, culture, history, and literature of the Middle East. The heritage of its peoples—from urban civilizations to the Bible—both inspires and fascinates. Near Eastern Archaeology (formerly The Biblical Archaeologist) brings to life the ancient world, from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean, with vibrant images and authoritative analyses. This journal of the American School of Oriental Research at Boston University allows the reader to experience the physical remains of the cultures and locations the Bible speaks from. This collection includes 66 issues of Near Eastern Archaeology, published from 1992 to 2011.

The digital editions of Near Eastern Archaeology are the best place to research and explore the ancient Near East. Fully integrated into your digital library, you can easily put a scholar’s library of archaeological texts in conversation with Near Eastern Archaeology. The Timeline enables you to instantly contextualize the people, places, and ideas discussed in Near Eastern Archaeology with thousands of other biblical and world events. Perform powerful searches to instantly gather relevant biblical texts and resources together. And free tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Interested in more ASOR publications? Check out the Bulletin of ASOR and the Journal of Cuneiform Studies.

  • Authoritative original analyses on contemporary archaeological issues in the Middle East
  • Vibrant images bring to life the Bible’s ancient context
  • Scholarly reviews of archaeological publications end each volume
  • Title: Biblical Archaeologist Near Eastern Archaeology (1992–2011)
  • Publisher: American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR)
  • Volumes: 20
  • Pages: 4,697
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
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The American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) is a non-profit organization that supports and encourages the study of the cultures and history of the Near East from the earliest times to the present. ASOR was founded in 1900 by 21 institutions—including Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Columbia. ASOR now has over 90 consortium institutions. ASOR fosters original research, archaeological excavations, and explorations; encourages scholarship in the Near East’s basic languages, cultural histories, and traditions; builds support for Near Eastern studies; and advocates high academic standards. ASOR communicates news of the latest research, findings through magazine publications, including the Bulletin of ASOR and Near Eastern Archaeology.


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  1. Dennis Phelps

    Dennis Phelps


    What is the price of the above collection if we already have Biblical Archaeologist vols 1-60 from a previous Logos release?
  2. Bill



    How about "Biblical Archaeology Review" from the BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY? Any possibility of adding it to logos?


Collection value: $285.50
Save $85.51 (29%)
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