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Lexham High Definition New Testament: ESV Edition (3 vols.)

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Logos is pleased to announce another first in the study of the Bible. The Lexham High Definition New Testament visually displays the devices of communication in every verse of the New Testament, making exegetically rich data from the Greek accessible to English-only readers.

Now for the first time, the nuances of discourse grammar are marked in your Logos Bible Software English Standard Version New Testament to expose the subtleties of the Greek text. Without formal Greek or Hebrew training, you can:

  • Enhance your understanding of the original authorial intent!
  • Restore the subtleties of tone and stress "lost in translation!"
  • Learn to distinguish among backgrounded information, major and minor points in the text!
  • Apply the proper emphasis in public reading and teaching of Scripture!

For those who want to work with the Greek, Logos is pleased to offer the new Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament, which features a more detailed markup of the Greek New Testament. The Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament also includes all of the resources from the Lexham High Definition New Testament, making it the best value and the best choice for those with any knowledge of Greek.

A New Kind of Tool for All Bible Students

The Biblical writers used all kinds of devices to ensure that they clearly communicated their message. What if you could know what those devices were, what they signaled and where they occur in the NT? The Lexham High Definition New Testament makes it possible.

High Definition Text!

Communicate the expression and impact of the text that was so evident to the original readers. The devices are already in the text. The Lexham HDNT shows you where they are by visually marking the communicative tools the original author employed to make his meaning clear. It is dramatic, but it is not contrived.

We are accustomed to the use of style for emphasis in English. For example, when you want someone to pause, you write, "Guess what I did …" We include an ellipsis so our reader will anticipate what is next. Or how about "DO NOT FORGET THIS." When we want to shout something we bold a word or phrase to make sure no one misses it. And if we want

  1. All our points
  2. To be clearly understood
  3. And follow exactly
  4. We make a numbered list

Thanks to the Lexham High Definition New Testament, you can see what is important, because it is clearly marked up for you. The writers of the New Testament use their language to point out important things, make lists, and prompt you to wait in eager anticipation for what comes next. With the Lexham HDNT, you know more about what the author is saying because the Lexham HDNT shows you how he said it.

Here’s another example. I might say, "Pastor, I appreciated your sermon today," or "Pastor, while I appreciated your sermon today," inserting "while" in the beginning of the sentence and giving it a completely different meaning—leaving you waiting for the "other shoe to drop" with a critique! Greek writers do exactly the same thing all the time, but the smooth English translation doesn't always preserve the force of their words. The Lexham HDNT is designed to help the reader restore the “high definition” lost in translation.

Discourse Devices Marked in the Text:

  • Attention-Getters
  • Backgrounding
  • Forward-Pointing References
  • Forward-Pointing Targets
  • Point-Counterpoint Sets (Sentence Level)
  • Point-Counterpoint Sets (Paragraph Level)
  • Repetition
  • Speaker's Comments
  • Emphasis
  • Highlighting Details
  • 'Far' Distinction
  • 'Near' Distinction
  • Highlighting Connection
  • Characterization
  • Name Details

A Pastor's Perspective

A preacher’s goal is to "preach the Word!" I want the author's main point to be my main point, and I want Paul's proposition to be my proposition. I want John's emphasis to be my emphasis. I want to communicate to my congregation the full force of the text the way I sense it after hours of study. Using the Lexham High Definition New Testament, you will immediately see the author’s main idea, supporting points, and the words he emphasized in the original Greek—all while looking at the English text! For the first time ever, Logos has created a tool that lets you see the way the biblical authors communicated to their original audience. You can now clearly see in seconds what once took hours to distill. Have confidence that you are communicating the full force intended by the original authors.

Comments by General Editor Dr. Steven Runge

The New Testament writers used a variety of literary and grammatical devices to help guide the reader. Some of these devices were intended to attract attention to important information, while others served to push less-important information into the background. Some were used simply to grab your attention, alerting you that something important or surprising was about to happen. The ability to identify what these devices are and where they occur in the text will be an indispensible help for your Bible study. Until only recently these tools have been accessible only to those who invested many years of study into Greek language and literature, rhetoric and linguistics.

The Lexham High Definition New Testament has finally leveled the field for those who really want to study Scripture but do not have the years to invest in the study and analysis of Greek. The Lexham High Definition New Testament, published through Logos Bible Software, pulls together the most useful devices into one place. The entire Greek New Testament is analyzed, and this analysis of the Greek is displayed right on the English text of the ESV.

The Lexham High Definition New Testament completes all of the analysis for you, displaying where the devices occur right in the Bible text, instead of in a separate note or commentary. This resource also includes a basic outline of the entire New Testament based on the Greek, making flow of difficult passages much easier to understand.

For the very first time, insights that were only accessible to only the most advanced students of Greek literature are now available in simple, easy-to-understand language. There is no other resource like the Lexham High Definition New Testament. It uses an innovative graphic display to map this information onto the text, keeping you focused in the biblical text and taking your Bible study to new depths of insight.

Greek Edition

For those who prefer to work directly with the Greek, Logos is pleased to offer the new Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament, which features a more detailed mark-up of the Greek New Testament and includes all of the resources from the Lexham High Definition New Testament, making it the best value and the best choice for those with any knowledge of Greek.

I believe that Steve Runge's Lexham High Definition New Testament will be one of the most important helps to students, teachers and pastors in the past ten to fifteen years. This is a tool that will be of great help to those who are at work in the service of the kingdom. Anyone who teaches, preaches, or studies the Word of God should not be without it.

—Sam Lamerson, Associate Professor of New Testament, Knox Theological Seminary and Interim Preaching Pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church

This is a great breakthrough for those of us that love the Word of God, but have no training in Greek or Hebrew. I am looking forward to future ways to use these great tools that are made possible by this program.

—Roger Scarborough, from the Logos Blog

As a non-academic, you have provided me with another tool of understanding how to view what God desired us to focus on as we read.

—Larry, from the Logos Blog

Thank you for the valuable work you do for people like me who are not Greek scholars.

—Ted Hans, from the Logos Blog

  • Title: Lexham High Definition New Testament: ESV Edition (3 vols.)
  • Author: Steve Runge
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:

Steve Runge has a Master of Theological Studies degree in Biblical Languages from Trinity Western Seminary in Langley, B.C., Canada, a BA in Speech Communication from Western Washington University, and a Doctor of Literature degree in Biblical Languages from the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa, which was supervised by Christo Van der Merwe. In preparation for his doctoral research, Steve completed several years of study in the linguistic fields of pragmatics and discourse grammar. He has served as an adjunct faculty member at Northwest Baptist Theological College, Trinity Western University, and Associated Canadian Theological Schools (ACTS) while completing his education. He presently serves as a Scholar-in-Residence at Logos Bible Software.


44 ratings

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  1. Chris Malone

    Chris Malone


    The blog posts linked above go to 404 pages. And the video is in flash. Are there any up-to-date resources on best use of the HDNT? Thanks very much!
  2. Peter Agboola
    I have this resource and I must say I really like the idea behind it. Can you produce one also for the Old Testament in English? This one is HDNT, that one could go by the acronym HDOT (High Definition Old Testament) 🙂.
  3. James Gilbert, Jr
  4. Kevin Bratcher
  5. C.J. Scott

    C.J. Scott


  6. Sean Hurst

    Sean Hurst


    I really wish this was still available without have to buy it as part of a much larger package. I really do not want to spend over 700.00 for it.
  7. Michael Shute

    Michael Shute


    Love it
  8. PJimK



  9. Chris



  10. Brian Ramsey

    Brian Ramsey


This product is not currently available to purchase.