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Products>Pontifical Biblical Institute Ancient Language Studies (50 vols.)

Pontifical Biblical Institute Ancient Language Studies (50 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $1,153.46
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Immerse yourself in ancient-language texts and detailed Scripture exegesis with the Pontifical Biblical Institute Ancient Language Studies. This 50-volume collection compiles a broad range of works—from interpretation of Scripture to grammatical analysis of Hebrew Poetry, from Aramaic inscriptions to Greek word studies.

The Pontifical Biblical Institute has been publishing critical and instructional texts since it was established by Pope Pius X in 1909. The PBI seeks to “cultivate and promote, by means of scholarly research, the biblical and relevant ancient Near Eastern disciplines, with due respect to the nature of each one of them, in order to obtain ‘a more profound understanding and exposition of the meaning of Sacred Scripture.’” Each volume in this collection serves those same aims, with explorations of Ugaritic, Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek, and Hebrew. Whether you’re a new student of ancient literature or a seasoned ministry professional, gain clarity and depth in your study with this valuable collection.

Resource Experts
  • Explores Ugaritic, Akkadian, Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew
  • Promotes ancient Near Eastern disciplines
  • Provides a wealth of ancient language texts well suited for scholars and pastors
  • Cultivates a more profound understanding of the meaning of Sacred Scripture
  • Title: Pontifical Biblical Institute Ancient Language Studies
  • Volumes: 50
  • Pages: 15,884
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  1. Rev. Robert Sundquist


Collection value: $1,153.46
Save $288.47 (25%)
Starting at $60.05/mo at checkout