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Products>Standard Reference Library: Old Testament Collection (3 vols.)

Standard Reference Library: Old Testament Collection (3 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $35.97
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What is the purpose of the Old Testament, and how does it connect with the rest of Scripture? Why do many well-meaning Christians neglect the books, themes, and people from the Old Testament? The Standard Reference Library: Old Testament Collection (SRLOT) takes a fresh look at the key themes from the Old Testament. The three volumes in this collection explain the purpose of Old Testament laws, identify God’s work in Israel’s history, and connect the prophets with the person of Christ.

The Old Testament outlines God’s intention of a marvelous future of extraordinary blessings for all people, coming especially through the promised Messiah. This collection, combined with the power of your Logos Digital Library, helps pastors, teachers, and students understand the power of the Old Testament’s message, and shows how the Bible’s references to real people and real situations serve our own spiritual benefit. Small group leaders, Sunday school teachers, preachers, and other serious Bible students will benefit from this through-the-Bible commentary set.

  • Pronunciation guide for difficult names of important people and places
  • Outline of the entire Old Testament
  • Connects Old Testament events to New Testament themes
  • Explains difficult Old Testament concepts in accessible language
  • Title: Standard Reference Library: Old Testament Collection (SRLOT)
  • Publisher: Standard Publishing
  • Volumes: 3
  • Pages: 912
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    Collection value: $35.97
    Save $5.98 (16%)