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Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, 1995–2007 (26 Issues)

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The Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages contains articles dealing with linguistic, translational, literary, text-critical, historical, religious, and cultural issues related to Ancient Near Eastern texts and societies, as well as articles addressing theoretical issues underlying these fields. The Logos edition of the Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages gives you access to all the issues published between 1995 and 2007, for a total of 26 issues in 13 volumes, containing more than 4,000 pages and 250 articles! Contributors to the Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages include the most advanced scholars in the field of Near Eastern Studies, making this the preeminent journal for linguistic, interpretive, exegetical, and historical studies of Northwest Semitic languages in general and the Old Testament in particular.

With the Logos edition of the Journal of Northwest Semantic Languages, Scripture references are linked to both Hebrew texts and English translations. You can also search by author, topic, and Scripture passage—and find it all instantly! Links within each volume of the journal allow you to move quickly from the table of contents to the bibliography to the articles you need and back again. You can also cut-and-paste your citation into your word processor, and Logos will automatically create footnotes using your preferred style guide. Save yourself from turning pages, from cross-referencing citations, and from unnecessarily complex research projects.

The Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages, combined with a wealth of resources for Hebrew, Aramaic, and Ugaritic studies, along with the power of your digital library, makes the Logos edition of the JNSL the preeminent academic standard for Ancient Near Eastern scholarship. The Logos edition of the JNSL is an essential addition to the libraries of Ancient Near Eastern scholars, language scholars, historians and archaeologists, and pastors and students looking to explore cutting-edge scholarship on the linguistic, literary, and interpretive issues in the Old Testament.

Get the other 29 issues of the JNSL from 1971 to 2011 here.

Resource Experts
  • Hundreds of articles and reviews
  • More than 4,500 pages of scholarly articles from over 200 contributors
  • Contributions from top Ancient Near Eastern scholars on Old Testament linguistic, cultural, and interpretive issues
  • 261 articles
  • 63 book reviews
  • M. Malul
  • W. R. Garr
  • C. L. Miller
  • E. Talstra
  • S. Mittman
  • I. Tov
  • K. van der Toorn
  • H. Niehr
  • T. N. D. Mettinger
  • Over 200 more
  • Title: Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (26 Issues)
  • Editors: Johann Cook, Izak Cornelius, Paul Kruger, and Christo van der Merwe
  • Series: Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages (JNSL)
  • Publication Date: 1995-2007
  • Pages: 4,581
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Johann Cook is an Associate Professor at the University of Stellenbosch. He received his M.A. in Semitic languages and Greek and his D.Litt. in Semitic languages from Stellenbosch, and specializes in Hebrew language studies, Aramaic, Syriac and Coptic, textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and aspects of the cultures of the Ancient Near East. He is a member of the executive committee of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies.

Izak Cornelius is a professor at the University of Stellenbosch. He specializes in Ancient Near Eastern culture, religion, and mythology.

Paul Kruger is an Associate Professor at the University of Stellenbosch. He researches and lectures in comparative Near Eastern literature, the history of Near Eastern religion, prophetic literature, and the application of social scientific insights on ancient cultures.

Christo van der Merwe received his M.A. in Semitic languages, his M.Th. in Old Testament, his M.Phil. in technology-enhanced language teaching, and his D.Litt. in Semitic languages, all from the University of Stellenbosch. He specializes in Bible translation as intercultural communication, cognitive linguistics, Biblical Hebrew lexical semantics, Biblical Hebrew structural markers, and the information structure of Biblical Hebrew texts.


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  1. Joseph Frank Jr.
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