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Products>Notable People Dataset

Notable People Dataset

Digital Verbum Edition

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Everything we know about major figures in Christian history

Our team of experts has catalogued important information on more than 1,000 theologians, pastors, and figures from church history. The Notable People Database includes biographies, famous quotes, and bibliographies—all hand tagged with the names of major players in Christian history. Search “John Wesley,” in Factbook, and Logos scours this database, grabbing a short description of his role in Christian history, links to dictionary articles, and more. We’ve meticulously compiled references to Christian figures in thousands of books, making it easy to link straight from the Factbook to resources already in your Logos library. The information we’ve collected represents years of research that Logos has done for you. The Notable People Dataset draws together only the best information, giving you the confidence you need when you step into the pulpit, classroom, or present your next Bible study.

Discover more ways Logos Bible Software delivers insight for your Bible study with the Thematic Outlines Dataset.

The Notable People dataset catalogues . . .

  • 1,200 major players in Christian history— theologians, pastors, and more
  • Biographies, famous quotes, bibliographies, and more
  • Links to dictionary articles, encyclopedia entries, and other resources

Product Details

  • Title: Notable People Dataset
  • Editors: Sarah Ball, Elizabeth Licata, Nicole Wright
  • Biographies: 1,200
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Resource Type: Datasets
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