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Products>Homilies of Pope John Paul II (English)

Homilies of Pope John Paul II (English)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Digital list price: $24.99
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Contains over 700 homilies in English from the 26-year pontificate of St. John Paul II. Study the preaching of St. John Paul on on the feasts and Sundays of the year, the readings of the lectionary and the events of his pontificate.

Top Highlights

“Brothers and sisters, do not be afraid to welcome Christ and accept his power” (source)

“Their heart is filled with astonishment and praise: not, therefore, the sadness of a farewell, but joy at the certainty of a renewed presence. Jesus disappears from his disciples’ physical sight to be present to the eyes of their hearts; he frees himself from the limits of space and time to become present to the people of every time and every place, and to offer everyone the gift of salvation.” (source)

“Christ, make me become and remain the servant of your unique power” (source)


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  1. NichtnurBibelleser
    What about a german translation?


Digital list price: $24.99
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