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Products>Select Works of J.R. Graves (7 vols.)

Select Works of J.R. Graves (7 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $79.65
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Nineteenth-century American Baptist preacher, editor, and major leader of Landmarkism, James R. Graves was at the center of intense debate among the Southern Baptists for nearly 30 years. In Baptist history, he remains an important figure to study as his influence and the fallout from ensuing controversy is still felt.

This collection surveys Grave’s thought and works. See the great controversialist in action with transcripts of debates on central points regarding baptism, the church, the perseverance of the saints, the Lord’s Supper, and more. Examine his writing on the character of John’s baptism, Landmarkism, and explore collections of letters written to J. Soule and Bishop McTyeire on the polity and doctrines of Methodism, as well as a series of newspaper columns debating the doctrine of endless punishment with John Burruss.

In the Logos edition, the Select Works of J.R. Graves is enhanced by amazing functionality. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Looking for other works by historic Baptists? Check out the Select Works of Isaac Backus (9 vols.) and Select Works of Dan Taylor (4 vols.).

Key Features

  • Presents a variety works by controversial preacher and editor, J.R. Graves
  • Introduces Landmark theology
  • Includes manuscripts of debates
  • Sheds light on the development of the Landmarkism in the 1850s

Product Details

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About J.R. Graves

James Robinson Graves (1820–1893) was an American Baptist preacher and leader of Landmarkism—a mid-nineteenth-century movement marked by the belief in the exclusive validity of Baptist churches and the theory of Baptist succession since apostolic times. Graves remains one of the most colorful and controversial figures among the Southern Baptists. He was editor of the Baptist (or later the Tennessee Baptist), and author of numerous books including The Relation of Baptism to Salvation, The First Baptist Church in America, and The Seven Dispensations.


3 ratings

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  1. David Green

    David Green


    I am so excited to see this set come out.
  2. Pete Sutton

    Pete Sutton


    I have several of his books the most important of all is "The Parables and Prophecies of Christ explained"(still available in print) I also have several of his books in Kindle format. I prefer writers of the late 19th century. I find Graves to be very knowledgeable but very down to earth in his writings and quiet Biblical in his doctrine. Any resource by him is worth having.
  3. Shayne Moses Nelson
    Soooo why not put those three books mentioned also in the collection, i.e., The Relation of Baptism to Salvation, The First Baptist Church in America, and The Seven Dispensations? I would give $100 for a GOOD digital copy of "Seven Dispensations"... esp. one of LOGOS calibre. Good try finding one though. God will bless the one who does.
  4. Ergatees



    This collection should include The Seven Dispensations which is a very interesting read and a good corrective to extreme dispensationalism, IMHO. I am unhappy that this book was not included in this collection. I gave my personal copy away but it was once a favorite book with me.


Collection value: $79.65
Save $32.70 (41%)

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