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Products>History of Biblical Interpretation (4 vols.)

History of Biblical Interpretation (4 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Uncover the ways Christians have interpreted the Bible from the early church to the end of the twentieth century. Henning Graf Reventlow’s four-volume history traces the development of biblical hermeneutics by examining approaches taken by major figures across 2,000 years. Compare the interpretive methods of apostolic fathers such as Barnabas and Clement to those taken by Martin Luther, Karl Barth, and Rudolf Bultmann. See how major turning points in history—such as the invention of the printing press–changed how people approached the Bible. Consult this comprehensive, scholarly resource when studying a specific era or historical figure, or read straight through the entire series. By understanding how scholars, clergy, politicians, and lay people have interpreted Scripture, you’ll appreciate how the Bible has impacted history.

Continue your study of the history of biblical interpretation with Biblical Interpretation Then and Now: Contemporary Hermeneutics in the Light of the Early Church.

  • Examines the way major figures in Christian history interpreted the Bible
  • Demonstrates how historical turning points affected biblical interpretation
  • Covers 2,000 years of biblical interpretation
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Henning Graf Reventlow is professor emeritus of Old Testament exegesis and theology at University of the Ruhr in Bochum, Germany. He is the author or editor of numerous volumes, including Problems of Biblical Theology in the Twentieth Century Collection (2 vols.), Justice and Righteousness: Biblical Themes and their Influence, and Eschatology in the Bible and in Jewish and Christian Tradition.


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  1. Goran Zivkovic
  2. Al Sosa

    Al Sosa


  3. Rob


