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Fortress Commentary on the Bible (2 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $70.98
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The Fortress Commentary on the Bible presents a balanced synthesis of current scholarship, enabling readers to interpret Scripture for a complex and pluralistic world.

The contributors bring a rich diversity of perspectives to the task of connecting solid historical critical analysis of the Scripture with sensitivity to theological, cultural, and interpretive issues arising in our encounter with the text. The contributors represent a broad array of theological commitment—Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and others.

The introductory articles and section introductions in the volume discuss the dramatic challenges that have shaped contemporary interpretation of the Old Testament and Apocrypha. Individual book articles provide an introduction and commentary on key sense units that are explored through the lenses of three critical questions:

  • The text in its ancient context. What did the text probably mean in its original historical and cultural context?
  • The text in the interpretive tradition. How have centuries of reading and interpreting shaped our understanding of the text?
  • The text in contemporary discussion. What are the unique challenges and interpretive questions that arise for readers and hearers of the text today?

The result is a commentary that is comprehensive and useful for preaching, teaching, and research.

  • Includes contributions from 70 experts in the historical interpretation of Scripture
  • Provides commentary from a variety of theological vantage points
  • Focuses on the consequences of biblical interpretation in the modern world
  • Title: Fortress Commentary on the Bible
  • Publisher: Fortress Press
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 1,750
  • Resource Type: Commentary
  • Topic: Biblical Studies
  • Resource ID: {6E5CC3BF-E56F-429E-9FD4-CEC2A06AE969}
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9 ratings

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  1. Gary Graff

    Gary Graff


  2. David Anfinrud
    I know it is only a two volume set. Hard to cover details in this setting. But overall it is only a big picture being presented. The fine details are missing that are sometimes important to understand the section properly. For a quick overview it is OK. But for more detail study I would not recommend it as a starting point.
  3. Thomas Binder

    Thomas Binder


  4. Ralph A. Abernethy III
  5. Pastor Kay

    Pastor Kay


  6. Unix



  7. Allen Bingham
  8. Raymond Sevilla
  9. Anthony Sims

    Anthony Sims



Collection value: $70.98
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