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Products>International Critical Commentary Series | ICC (61 vols.)

International Critical Commentary Series | ICC (61 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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The International Critical Commentary (ICC), published by T&T Clark International, has long held a special place among works on the Bible. It brings together all the relevant aids to exegesis: linguistic and textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological, with a comprehensiveness and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series.

The ICC series has also been rather difficult to purchase in its entirety, due in part to the cost of the print volumes, numerous revisions of various volumes, and the fact that most retailers do not offer the entire set as one purchase. The Logos edition contains the most recent edition of each title and provides an easy way to own every volume of this often-cited commentary set. If you were to purchase all 61 volumes of commentaries in print at suggested retail price, the cost would be over $3,800.00. The Logos edition provides a substantial discount and presents the content in a more flexible medium than print! This series is under the editorship of Graham Davies and Christopher Tuckett.

Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
Total value if sold separately:


11 ratings

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    Why is this no longer available for purchase? You spend years developing a product into Logos format and then make it unavailable for purchase? Lots of that going on. Please explain why. Thank you.
  2. Dr Jason Harris

    Dr Jason Harris


    I'm confused about the prices on these. If many of these are public domain, why are the prices so extremely high?
  3. Skylar McManus
    My three stars isn't for the quality of the commentaries, but the quality of the digital content. I've been working with the 1988 commentary on the letters to the Thessalonians, and already there are MANY instances where the last Greek character of words is left off. If you compare the page samples given here with the version in Logos, you can see what I mean. At first I thought the author was abbreviating words, but that's not the case. I'm surprised that this sort of thing passed review.
  4. Cody Gustafson
    Hard to beat ICC!
  5. Leonardo Buscemi
  6. tascia



  7. John U. Minion
  8. Larry Liddiard

    Larry Liddiard


  9. shawn dickerson

    shawn dickerson


    only the older books are public domain. this set includes C.E.B. Cranfield (Romans), I Howard Marshall (Pastoral Epistles), E Best (Ephesians), a number of Goldingay commentaries, and several others not in public domain. the prices are probably compared to buying the print T&t Clark hard cover editions, they are expensive. be careful with the set. it has some non ICC commentaries mixed in, but still all great stuff.
  10. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


This product is not currently available to purchase.