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Holy Spirit Baptism

, 1972
ISBN: 9780802814364

Digital Verbum Edition

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Throughout his texts Hoekema brings both his compassionate council from his years as a pastor as well as his erudite expertise from his 25 years of work in academia as a professor of Bible and systematic theology at Calvin Theological Seminary. In Holy Spirit Baptism, Reformed theologian Anthony A. Hoekema develops a balanced, biblical perspective of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and its role in sacrament, regeneration, and empowerment.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

For more works by this author, check out the Anthony A. Hoekema Collection (7 vols.).

  • Neo-Pentecostal Teaching on Baptism in the Spirit
  • Biblical Teaching on Baptism in the Spirit
  • Biblical Teaching on Speakign with Tongues
  • The Gifts of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit
  • The Fulness of the Spirit

Top Highlights

“This outpouring of the Holy Spirit predicted both by the prophet Joel and by Christ took place on the Day of Pentecost, as recorded in the second chapter of the Book of Acts. Though the Holy Spirit had been present in the church previous to this time, on Pentecost Day He was bestowed on the church in His fulness; from this moment on the Spirit was to dwell in the church as His temple, and to take up His permanent residence in every member of that church. This outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost Day, therefore, was a historical event of the greatest importance—unique, unrepeatable, once-for-all. It may be thought of as an event comparable in magnitude to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” (Pages 16–17)

“Yet the primary question for us must always be, not what kind of experiences a person has had, but what the Bible teaches. Experience must always be tested by Scripture, and not Scripture by experience.” (Page 15)

“The fact that Peter quotes these words on the Day of Pentecost (see Acts 2:16–21) indicates that what happened on that day (the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church, to the accompaniment of miraculous signs) was a fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.” (Page 16)

“What Paul says here in the plainest of words is that all Christians have been Spirit-baptized. Spirit-baptism is here described as identical with regeneration—with the sovereign act of God whereby we are made one with Christ, incorporated into the body of Christ. You don’t need to seek a Spirit-baptism as a post-conversion experience, Paul is saying to the Corinthians and to us; if you are in Christ, you have already been Spirit-baptized!” (Page 21)

Anthony A. Hoekema (1913–1988) was a Reformed minister and theologian. Born in the Netherlands, his family immigrated to the United States when he was 10 years old. He earned his BA from Calvin College, his MA from the University of Michigan, and his ThD from Princeton Theological Seminary. At Calvin College, he was associate professor of Bible for two years and professor of systematic theology for 21 years. He is the author of numerous books including The Bible and the Future, Saved by Grace, and The Christian Looks at Himself.


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