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Systematic Theology (2 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Theology belongs in the pulpit, the school, the workplace, the family, and everywhere. Society as a whole is weakened when theology is neglected. Systematic theology helps people approach the Bible with a clear and coherent picture of God’s revelation. Theology helps us discover the nature and person of God. Rushdoony’s 2-volume Systematic Theology is designed to assist in the application of the Word of God to every area of life and thought.

In the first volume, Rushdoony writes on creation and providence, the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Christ, and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. This volume also includes a defense of systematic theology, including its definition, its limits, its application, and its necessity. He also explores the covenant, the theological nature of sin, and the atonement. The second volume contains an extensive exposition on the doctrine of the church, the doctrine of man, and eschatology. His Systematic Theology closes with a penetrating exploration of prayer.

Key Features

  • Penetrating studies of the doctrine of God, the covenant, the atonement, eschatology, and other doctrines
  • Written with practical application in mind
  • All Scripture references directly linked to original language texts and English Bible translations.

Product Details

  • Title: Systematic Theology
  • Author: Rousas J. Rushdoony
  • Publisher: Ross House Books
  • Volumes: 2
  • Pages: 1,301
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About Rousas J. Rushdoony

Rousas John Rushdoony (1916–2001) was a well-known American scholar, writer, and author of over thirty books. He held B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of California and received his theological training at the Pacific School of Religion. An ordained minister, he worked as a missionary among Paiute and Shoshone Indians and as a pastor to two California churches. He founded the Chalcedon Foundation, an educational organization devoted to research, publishing, and cogent communication of a distinctively Christian scholarship to the world at large. His writing in the Chalcedon Report and his numerous books inspired a generation of believers to be active in reconstructing the world to the glory of Jesus Christ. Until his death, he resided in Vallecito, California, where he engaged in research, lecturing, and assisting others in developing programs to put faith into action.


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Collection value: $47.98
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