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Sacra Pagina: Revelation (SP)

Digital Verbum Edition

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More than any other New Testament writing, the Book of Revelation demands commentary. Its often-bewildering text is easily open to less-than-scholarly interpretation.

Wilfrid Harrington brings his scholarship to the Book of Revelation and conveys its Christian message. He puts the work in its historical and social setting—a first-century CE province of the Roman Empire—and explores its social and religious background and its literary character. Through Harrington we hear clearly the challenge of John, the prophet, to the churches of his time—and to ours—not to compromise the Gospel message.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Save more when you purchase this book as part of the Sacra Pagina New Testament Commentary Series

  • Unpacks the historical and social setting of Revelation
  • Explores Revelation’s social and religious background and its literary character
  • Explains the message of Revelation

Top Highlights

“I have long thought that a perceptive observation of C. H. Dodd, apropos of Rom 1:26, 28, has, once for all, put God’s ‘wrath’ in proper perspective: ‘ ‘It is an awful thing,’ says the Epistle to the Hebrews (10:31) ‘to fall into the hands of the living God.’ Paul, with a finer instinct, sees that the really awful thing is to fall out of his hands, and to be left to oneself in a world where the choice of evil brings its own moral retribution’ (The Epistle of Paul to the Romans [London: Collins, 1959] 55). Increasingly, I believe that John would add his ‘Amen.’” (Pages 161–162)

“Today it is widely accepted, or at least seriously argued, that any linkage of Revelation with the Fourth Gospel is, at best, tenuous. Indeed, the letter format and the Asian provenance of John’s work would suggest some Pauline association. The best we may claim is that the author of Revelation is an otherwise unknown Christian prophet, likely an itinerant prophet, and, probably, a Palestinian by birth. Not very impressive, it might seem. Yet, it is rather more than can be said of the authors of many other biblical writings.” (Page 9)

“Specifically, apocalypse has been helpfully defined as: ‘A genre of revelatory literature with a narrative framework in which a revelation is mediated by an otherworldly being to a human recipient, disclosing a transcendent reality which is both temporal, insofar as it envisages eschatological salvation, and spatial insofar as it involves another, supernatural world’ (J. J. Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination, 4).” (Page 1)

Wilfrid John Harrington is an Irish Dominican priest. He studied theology in Rome and biblical studies in Jerusalem, and currently teaches Scriptures at the Priory Institute, at the Church of Ireland Theological College, and at Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, all of which are in Dublin.


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  1. Dustin Payne

    Dustin Payne


  2. Gus Jones

    Gus Jones


  3. Jim Rudolph

    Jim Rudolph


  4. Martin Smith

    Martin Smith


  5. Eric Fehr

    Eric Fehr


  6. Eric Stanley

    Eric Stanley


  7. Allen Bingham

    Allen Bingham


  8. James



  9. Samuel Bonilla
  10. Albert Cooper

    Albert Cooper



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