Digital Verbum Edition
Koehler, Baumgartner, and Stamm's The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HAL/HALOT), is widely recognized as being the standard modern dictionary for biblical Hebrew.
Combining scholarly thoroughness with easy accessibility, this Hebrew lexicon and dictionary meets the needs of a wide range of users.
The first volume of the English version of this classic reference tool for Bible scholars was published in 1994, and the subsequent publication of the other volumes has made it the standard modern English dictionary for biblical Hebrew. It is based on the third edition of the Lexicon of Ludwig Koehler and Walter Baumgartner, which has been widely acclaimed as the most up-to-date complete dictionary for the Old Testament and related literature.
NOTE: HALOT was previously produced with just volumes 1-4. The Logos Bible Software edition is the complete, 5-volume set. Other purchasing options: HALOT is also available bundled with BDAG.
The enormous advances that have taken place in the field of Semitic linguistics since the days of the older dictionaries of classical Hebrew are here well documented and assessed, as well as the often detailed discussions in modern Bible commentaries of words where the meaning is particularly difficult. But the alphabetical ordering of entries rather than the traditional arrangement of words according to their roots maintains a user friendly face, which is particularly helpful to the beginning student, and will also save the advanced user much time.
You can also find an abridged version of HALOT here for even quicker use: A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (CHALOT).
HALOT has been recommended by several of our authors for various applications:
76 ratings
Gabriëlle Hazewinkel
stephen smith
Dennis Adams
Peter Thomas
Wilfried Jaschob
Mike Harris
George Young
Ronald Elzinga