Digital Verbum Edition
Learn the critical methods of doing biblical theology from distinguished scholar Peter Stuhlmacher. Emphasizing the need for a canonical approach to developing a sound biblical theology—as well as the necessity of understanding Paul’s thought in light of Jesus’ teaching—Stuhlmacher helps readers understand the nuances of the New Testament’s message, and shows how to avoid common pitfalls of the exegetical task in constructing a coherent theological understanding of the Bible.
In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Explore biblical theology from a canonical standpoint with Brevard Childs’ classic Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context
“The unity of the New Testament, which cannot be separated from the Old, lies in God’s gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Page xii)
“As far as Jesus and the apostles are concerned, ‘the Holy Scriptures’ do not belong to Israel alone, but to all Jews and Gentiles who believe Jesus to be Lord and Christ.” (Page 3)
“The center of the New Testament, the gospel of Jesus Christ, is thoroughly formulated in Old Testament language and bears witness to the eschatological salvation provided by God for Jews and Gentiles. This testimony connects the New Testament inextricably with the Old. Because of this Christological clamp, the Old Testament belongs to Jews and Christians alike, and the gospel of God concerning Jesus Christ is intended ‘first for the Jew, then for the Gentile’ (Rom 1:16). It invites us all to join in the confession that Jesus is the Lord whom God raised from the dead (Rom 10:9–10), since eschatological salvation for Jews and Gentiles alike depends on this confession.” (Page 11)
“The theological center of this canon is the witness to God’s act of salvation for Jews and Gentiles in and through Christ. This witness has Old and New Testament roots, but it is an inseparable, unified whole, because the one God, who created the world and chose Israel to be his own people, achieved once and for all in his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, salvation for the world.” (Page 81)
“If, when considering the development of Old and New Testaments, one also pays due attention to history of the Septuagint, then it becomes absolutely necessary to speak of only one complex canonical process from which the Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint and the New Testament all emerged.” (Page 5)
Stuhlmacher’s How To Do Biblical Theology is a welcome corrective to the popular tendency to introduce false disjunctions into the practice of biblical theology. Critical scholars of the Bible would be aided by adopting his procedure of using the Christian canon as the starting point of biblical theology.
—Denny Burk, assistant professor of New Testament at the Criswell College in Dallas, Texas
Peter Stuhlmacher was born in 1932 in Leipzig and has taught New Testament at the Protestant Theological Faculty in Tubingen since 1972. His main interest has long been in problems of hermeneutics and Biblical Theology. Some of his translated works include Historical Criticism and Theological Interpretation of Scripture, Reconciliation, Law & Righteousness, Paul’s Letter to the Romans, and Revisiting Paul’s Doctrine of Justification: A Challenge to the New Perspective.
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Ian Carmichael