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The Way of a Pilgrim: The Jesus Prayer Journey Annotated & Explained

ISBN: 9781893361317

Digital Verbum Edition

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The Way of a Pilgrim is the timeless account of an anonymous wanderer who set out on a journey across nineteenth-century Russia with nothing but a backpack, some bread, a Bible, and a burning desire to learn the true meaning of St. Paul’s words: “Pray without ceasing.” In this completely accessible new abridgment, all the terms and references are explained for you—with intriguing insights into aspects of the text that are often not available to the general reader.

  • Presents a classic view of Orthodox spirituality
  • Provides commentary designed for those with little or no prior knowledge of the texts or tradition
  • Features a modern, annotated translation to aid in understanding

Top Highlights

“St. Symeon the New Theologian17 and began to read: ‘ ‘Find a quiet place to sit alone and in silence; bow your head and shut your eyes. Breathe softly, look with your mind into your heart; recollect your mind—that is, all its thoughts—and bring them down from your mind into your heart. As you breathe, repeat: ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me,’ either quietly with your lips, or only in your mind. Make an effort to banish all thoughts; be calm and patient, and repeat this exercise frequently.’ ’” (Page 17)

“Then he looked closely at me and said, ‘Unceasing interior prayer is the constant striving of the spirit toward God. To succeed in this delightful practice, you must beg the Lord more frequently that He teach you how to pray unceasingly. Pray more and ever more earnestly, and the prayer itself will reveal to you how it can become unceasing. This effort will bear fruit in its own time.’” (Page 5)

“Even my late starets of blessed memory would tell me that obstacles to the prayer of the heart come from two sources: from the left and from the right. This means that if the enemy fails to prevent us from praying through vain thoughts and sinful imaginations, then he stirs within us memories of all kinds of edifying things, or he entices us with pleasant thoughts—anything at all to tempt us away from prayer, which is something he cannot bear.” (Page 87)

“it is the humble, simple heart that attains to such prayer, through poverty of the spirit and a living experience of it” (Page 11)

“Take this chotki23 and use it while you repeat the prayer, at least three thousand times a day to begin with. Whether you are standing, sitting, walking, or lying down, continue to repeat: ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!’ Do not be loud or rush the prayer, but without fail repeat it three thousand times each day, neither increasing nor decreasing this number on your own. Through this exercise God will help you to attain the unceasing prayer of the heart.’” (Page 21)

Now, for the first time in English, comes a truly useful version of the beloved classic of Russian spirituality—one that allows us to actually follow the pilgrim on his way.

—Clark Strand, author, The Wooden Bowl: Simple Meditations for Everyday Life

A famous nineteenth-century Russian spirituality text finds new expression.

Publishers Weekly

I will be recommending this new translation to those interested in learning about the Jesus prayer. Thanks to the helpful annotations, it will be a most useful resource.

—Frederica Matthewes-Green, author, At the Corner of East and Now: A Modern Life in Ancient Christian Orthodoxy

Gleb Pokrovsky is a graduate of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York. He lives in Boston.


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