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Select Works of Raymond Edward Brown (12 vols.)

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Raymond Edward Brown is lauded as the finest New Testament scholar of his time in America. Always brilliant and occasionally controversial, Brown pioneered the use of the historical-critical method of scriptural analysis among Catholics and was the first Catholic professor to gain tenure at Union Theological Seminary. His works were influential—particularly those on Christology, Johannine literature, and the birth and death of Jesus Christ.

Among the 12 volumes in this collection, you’ll find Brown’s two-volume The Death of the Messiah, from Gethsemane to the Grave—the crowing jewel of a distinguished career. Other works include Sensus Plenior, which explores the use of Scripture in its various senses through the ages; Priest and Bishop, examining the biblical basis of priesthood; and Recent Discoveries and the Biblical World, which discusses 25 significant archaeological and documentary finds. Included from the Anchor Yale Bible series are Brown’s magisterial commentary on the Gospel according to John—examining all of the major Johannine questions of authorship, composition, dating, and the relationship of John to the Synoptic Gospels—as well as an in-depth analysis of the Johannine Epistles.

These volumes will inspire students to develop greater insight and understanding for the Church’s Scripture and Tradition.

This collection is part of the Modern Catholic Authors Bundle (243 vols.).

Resource Experts
  • Presents the wisdom of a preeminent New Testament scholar
  • Explores a variety of biblical texts and theological topics
  • Includes Brown’s two-volume commentary on the Passion narrative
Father Raymond Brown has a strong claim to be the most distinguished of American New Testament scholars, and he has few competitors worldwide.

New York Times

The most distinguished and renowned Catholic biblical scholar to emerge in this country, ever.

—Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles

The premier Johannine scholar in the English-speaking world.

Francis J. Moloney, professor of New Testament, Catholic University of America

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Raymond Edward Brown (May 22, 1928–August 8, 1998) was a Sulpician priest and internationally regarded as the dean of New Testament scholars. He taught for many years at Saint Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore and was Auburn Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Biblical studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where he also taught for 29 years. Over his lifetime he was awarded more than dozen honorary doctorates from American and European universities and was commended by Pope Paul VI for his “learning, prudence, and Catholic regard for the Magisterium of the Church.” He authored more than 35 books, including three volumes of commentary on John in the Anchor Yale Bible series.


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  1. Ryan Brady

    Ryan Brady


    Fr. Brown's writings are very apt to lead to heretical understandings of basic elements of the Catholic faith. I regret that I spent money on his books. Why do I say what I do? Well, in his first Union Theological Seminary lecture, in 1971, sounded a well-publicized call for "a scholarly reassessment" of the historical accuracy of Jesus' conception and virginal birth. Moreover, in his "Biblical Exegesis and Church Doctrine (1985)", he put the Virgin Birth — a central dogma of the Catholic faith — in the category of "doctrines for which there is slender basis in Scripture." Fr. Brown had way too much influence on biblical studies. In part, Ratzinger's excellent "Erasmus Lecture" was directed against Brown's modernist reading of Sacred Scripture (and, in fact, Brown got very upset by it as friend of mine who was there told me). Fr. Brown and many of those Catholic exegetes who followed him hold that it is "very uncertain" that angels appeared to Mary and Joseph; that there appeared a star interpreted by magi from the east as a sign of the birth of the King of the Jews, and that they followed it to Bethlehem; that angels appeared to the shepherds; and that Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth. Don't waste your time and money. The earlier Brown is forgotten, the better. Also, another commenter (who also has a Ph.D. with a concentration in biblical studies as I do), argues that since Brown was put on the PBC, he was fine. Actually, it was only after Paul VI downgraded the authority of the PBC by making it be no longer a part of the Magisterium that he was allowed on it.
  2. Patrick J. Madden
    I own "hard copy" of all of these works, and the Logos version of the great majority of them. Ph.D.'s like myself are a dime a dozen. Raymond Brown became the president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. Fewer than 1% of us have such an honor. In addition to this, Raymond E. Brown was the first Catholic ever to be elected as president of the Society of Biblical Literature. You can count the number of Catholics who have held this position and still have fingers left over. In addition to these great honors, Raymond E. Brown served as a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, one of 24 scholars (12 NT, 12 OT) appointed to advise the pope on biblical matters. Brown has been criticized by some ultra-conservative Catholics, but one does not get appointed to the PBC by being a "loose cannon." I heartily recommend the works of Raymond E. Brown to anyone who wishes to learn more about how the 20th-century renewal of biblical studies in the Catholic Church continues to affect Catholic participation in ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue.
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