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Products>New Covenant Commentary (6 vols.)

New Covenant Commentary (6 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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The New Covenant Commentary Series, compiled by contributors from a diverse range of backgrounds, devotes itself to the task of biblical interpretation and theological reflection. This collection unwraps each selected New Testament book section-by-section, providing a clear view of the theology and application within. Focusing on both the text and various contexts of each book, this collection illustrates the impact they had on faith and tradition at the time of their composition—and the significance they continue to have in contemporary life, faith, and ministry.

  • Section-by-section commentary on seven New Testament books
  • Comprehensive introduction, abbreviations, bibliography, and indexes for each volume
  • Contributors from a diverse range of backgrounds
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||Partially included
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  1. Serge Descoeurs

    Serge Descoeurs


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