Digital Verbum Edition
Sensible and concise, witty and wise, Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli have written the guidebook on apologetics. Their mini-encyclopedia will be a welcome resource for students of apologetics, pastors, small groups, and church members interested in evangelism, student ministry workers, and those exploring for themselves the validity of the Christian faith.
“Evil is real, but it is not a real thing. It is not subjective, but it is not a substance. Augustine defines evil as disordered love, disordered will. It is a wrong relationship, a nonconformity between our will and God’s will. God did not make it; we did.” (Page 133)
“Corruptio optimi pessima, ‘the corruption of the best things are the worst things.’ To be morally bad, you must first be ontologically good.” (Page 133)
“In other words, every possible argument against every Christian doctrine has a rational mistake in it somewhere, and therefore can be answered by reason alone.” (Page 39)
“The act of faith is more than merely an act of belief.” (Page 29)
“Western civilization is for the first time in its history in danger of dying. The reason is spiritual. It is losing its life, its soul; that soul was the Christian faith. The infection killing it is not multiculturalism—other faiths—but the monoculturalism of secularism—no faith, no soul.” (Page 24)
11 ratings
B. David Orr
Robert J Richardson
Chris Figueroa
Darryl Paden
Allen Lathrop
David Taylor, Jr.
Dr. Douglas Beaumont
Allan Bach
Dennis Wessels