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Bible and the Arts Collection (4 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $104.96
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The volumes included in the Bible and the Arts Collection inhabit the spaces where art and the Bible intersect. Covering the visual arts, music, literature, and popular culture, this collection takes its cues from both the latest in media criticism and academic theology. This interdisciplinary approach to the Bible yields an assortment of fascinating and timely studies. These titles will be of interest to anyone captivated by art’s ability to express the Holy.

Authors in the Bible and the Arts Collection include thinkers from a variety of backgrounds; media analysts, art critics, theologians and others. Widely traversing the spectrums of both history and medium, they investigate everything from the Biblical imagery in Rudyard Kipling’s “The Man Who Would Be King,” to Scripture’s role in both the book and film versions of Margret Atwood’s A Handmaid’s Tale, to Christian symbolism in Hans Holbein’s The Ambassadors. Moreover, some of the works included turn the tables, analyzing the Bible itself using the tools of literary criticism and the philosophy of aesthetics.

Individual Titles

Mediating Religion: Studies in Media, Religion, and Culture

  • Editors: Jolyon P. Mitchell and Sophia Marriage
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 400

Sample pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

This is the first book to bring together many aspects of the interplay between religion, media and culture from around the world in a single comprehensive study. Leading international scholars provide the most up-to-date findings in their fields, and in a readable and accessible way.

Some of the topics covered include religion in the media age, popular broadcasting, communication theology, popular piety, film and religion, myth and ritual in cyberspace, music and religion, communication ethics, and the nature of truth in media saturated cultures. The result is not only a wide-ranging resource for scholars and students, but also a unique introduction to this increasingly important phenomenon of modern life.

Dr. Jolyon P. Mitchell lectures in Theology and Media at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Dr. Sophia Marriage is a research worker with the Church of Scotland.

Gospel Images in Fiction and Film: On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow

  • Author: Larry Kreitzer
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Pages: 240

Sample pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

In this volume, Dr. Kreitzer explores the connections between the Biblical texts, classic works of literature and cinematic interpretations of those works of literature. The aim is to illuminate both the New Testament texts and facets of contemporary culture through a cross-disciplinary approach.

This volume contains studies of T.S. Eliot's Christmas poem "The Journey of the Magi," Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, in addition to discussion of several influential works from the world of cinema, including such diverse contributions as Star Trek, Apocalypse Now, and High Noon. In each instance the discussion is set against the backdrop of words and images drawn from the sayings of Jesus.

Larry Kreitzer is a Tutor for Graduates and Tutor of New Testament at Regent's Park College, Oxford.

The New Testament as True Fiction: Literature, Literary Criticism, Aesthetics

  • Author: Douglas Templeton
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 392

Sample pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

An original, provocative and thoughtful series of readings of New Testament and extra-biblical texts. Making forays into literary criticism, philosophy and theology, Templeton draws upon a rich diversity of sources. These include Lowth, de Welte, Strauss, Bultmann, Wittgenstein, Kermode, Collingwood and especially the Scottish theologian Gregor Smith.

Templeton proposes that we read the New Testament not as history (true or false) – in what is still the dominant hermeneutic – but rather as “true fiction.” What does it mean for fiction to be true? Underlying all of this is the problem of the relation between fact and imagination – the question of reality. With wit and erudition, Templeton offers his own answers to such question as he reads afresh Mark, John and Paul, and the poetry of T.S. Eliot and Wallace Stevens.

Dr. Douglas Templeton was Senior Lecturer in the Department of New Testament Language, Literature and Theology, University of Edinburgh until his retirement in 2000.

Borders, Boundaries and the Bible

  • Editor: Martin O'Kane
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Pages: 330

Sample pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

This collection focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of current biblical studies, especially the interpretation of the Bible through the arts. Its aim is to illustrate how the crossing of boundaries enriches our understanding of the text itself.

Contributors include Robert Carroll, Mary Douglas, Wendy Porter, Edward Kessler, Larry Kreitzer, John Hull and Martin O'Kane. The themes embrace literature (Kipling), music (Bach) and art (Holbein). The editor contributes an introduction and an illustrated essay on the Flight into Egypt as an icon of refuge.

Martin O'Kane is Senior Lectuer in Biblical Studies at the University of Wales, Lampeter and Director of the Centre, The Bible and the Visual Imagination.

Product Details

  • Title: Bible and the Arts Collection
  • Volumes: 4
  • Pages: 1,362
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Collection value: $104.96
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