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The New Living Translation (NLT Bible)

, 2015

Digital Verbum Edition

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An Overview of the NLT Bible

The Holy Bible, New Living Translation provides a wonderful balance of readability and authority. The NLT Bible is easy to understand, poetically beautiful, and emotive. Ninety leading Bible scholars collaborated to ensure it is accurate to the original Greek and Hebrew text.

The New Living Translation aims to make Bible-reading accessible and enjoyable in private or in fellowship with others. The easy-to-read, clear text is especially useful for comparative studies of challenging passages.

The goal of any Bible translation is to share the meaning of ancient texts with today's readers. The NLT is a useful text, great for comparing across translations, reading devotionals, and reciting in worship services.

Key Features of the NLT

  • Emphasis on Easy Reading: The NLT is a "functionally equivalent" translation, similar to the NIV and NET. These translations “discover the meaning of a text [...] and then translate it to impact modern readers in the same way the ancient text would have affected original readers” - The Best Bible Translations.
  • Meaning-Based Translation: A meaning-focused translation examines the text and context of the original language. This helps reveal the text's intended meaning and therefore the best ways to express that meaning.
  • Written to Be Spoken: The NLT speaks directly to the hearts and minds of listeners. Quickly understand the message of a passage without needing to process complex biblical language.

The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, was first published in 1996. It quickly became one of the most popular Bible translations in the English-speaking world.

While the NLT’s influence was rapidly growing, the Bible Translation Committee determined that an additional investment in scholarly review and text refinement could make it even better.

So shortly after its initial publication, the committee began an eight-year process with the purpose of increasing the level of the NLT’s precision without sacrificing its easy-to-understand quality. This second-generation text was completed in 2004 and is reflected in this edition of the New Living Translation.

We believe that the New Living Translation—which combines the latest biblical scholarship with a clear, dynamic writing style—will communicate God’s word powerfully to all who read it. We publish it with the prayer that God will use it to speak his timeless truth to the church and the world in a fresh, new way.

The Publishers, July 2004


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  1. Geoffrey Eldringhoff
  2. Dean Wright

    Dean Wright


  3. Faithlife User
  4. Vitor Matheus da Silva Freitas
  5. Odis Norris III
  6. Brittanee Bell
  7. Dustin Hines

    Dustin Hines


  8. Jake



  9. David S

    David S


  10. Kelly Fleming

    Kelly Fleming



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