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Products>Fortress Press Hebrew Bible Collection (11 vols.)

Fortress Press Hebrew Bible Collection (11 vols.)

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The Old Testament sets the stage for the coming of Jesus and the birth of the church. From the stories of creation and the fall, bondage and freedom, covenant, land, and exile—it outlines the events and themes which shape Christian theology. Yet the Old Testament is under-studied and infrequently preached on.

With this massive collection, you can examine the theology, history, and culture of Israel. Enter into the worldview of the Israelite community. Discover the beliefs and practice of early Judaism. Hear the stories of kings, prophets, and patriarchs. Most important, use this collection to enrich and deepen both your preaching and study of the Old Testament.

This collection demonstrates the importance of the Old Testament for the church and the world today. It contains important contributions to Old Testament scholarship—from overarching histories, syntheses, and examinations of large themes, to focused, intensive studies. Massive collection contains classics, such as Brevards S. Childs’ Introduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. It also features some of the most important recently-published works in the field, like Walter Brueggemann’s An Unsettling God: The Heart of the Hebrew Bible.

Resource Experts
  • 11 titles with information on the Hebrew Bible
  • Time line, glossary of terms, maps and illustrations
  • List of illustrations and abbreviations used
  • Ideal for pastors and students
  • Title: Fortress Press Hebrew Bible Collection
  • Publisher: Augsburg Fortress
  • Volumes: 11
  • Pages: 3,815
  • Resource Type: Monographs
  • Topic: Hebrew Bible
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  1. Maryellen J Lewis
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