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Products>Studies on Joshua, 3 vols. (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS)

Studies on Joshua, 3 vols. (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS)

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Collection value: $84.97
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This collection gives new light to the book of Joshua, its history and the part it has in the covenant concept from the Old Testament. The book of Joshua presents the idea that the identity of the nation was constructed during Joshua’s time. By understanding and making use of the content in Studies on Joshua, we are able to gain a better comprehension of life during that time and how it relates to us today.

In his book Together in the Land Gordon Mitchell makes reference to Joshua as a book being known for its content as it focuses on stories of slaughter and destruction. Mitchell also talks about those who lived in that area and the dream of a time when their land was no longer inhabited by the Israelites. Joshua 24 and the Poetic Narrative focuses on the covenant concept of Joshua and how it impacts us today.

Making use of Studies on Joshua, is fundamental for preachers, Bible study leaders, students of the Old Testament, and anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of Joshua.

  • Includes a list of authors cited and abbreviations used
  • Includes a list of references and authors cited

For decades, the Library of Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Studies (formerly known as the Journal for the Study of Old Testament Series) has provided the foremost studies in Old Testament subjects. With unprecedented and highly-focused research, this unrivalled series expounds the Old Testament according to historical and theological perspectives, social-scientific and literary criticism, reception and cultural theories, and comparative mythological/religious studies. Authors like David J.A. Clines, David M. Gunn, Philip R. Davies, Lester L. Grabbe, and Eugene E. Carpenter show why the LHBOTS/JSOTS series has been one of the most respected sources for Old Testament scholarship.

  • Title: Studies on Joshua collection
  • Series: Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies | LHBOTS
  • Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press
  • Volumes: 3
  • Pages: 961
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    Collection value: $84.97
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