Digital Verbum Edition
Many pastors and churches are buying into today's consumer-oriented culture and losing sight of a higher biblical calling. Preoccupied with image and standing, measurable success and market effectiveness, pastors are replacing the biblical role of shepherd for the worldly model of shopkeeper. Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry offers insights from a team of pastors and scholars, examining the essentials of what a pastor is to be and to do. From scriptural backgrounds to practical application, pastors and church leaders will: understand the character and essence of pastoral ministry; learn about the biblical preparation of a pastor; affirm the personal qualifications of a pastor; recover the biblical priorities of pastoral work. God's calling, prayer, priorities, worship, preaching, outreach, discipleship, and other aspects of shepherding Christ's flock are examined, challenging pastors to deepen the biblical roots of their own ministries.
“The real contrast in competing ministry models is not the traditional versus the contemporary, but rather the scriptural compared to the unscriptural.” (Page 4)
“Here is a simple definition of worship: worship is honor and adoration directed to God.” (Page 242)
“Fourth, Paul was willing to suffer (1 Cor. 4:12–13).” (Page 21)
“To sum it all up in five categories, Paul commanded Timothy (1) to be faithful in his preaching of biblical truth, (2) to be bold in exposing and refuting error, (3) to be an example of godliness to the flock, (4) to be diligent and work hard in the ministry, and (5) to be willing to suffer hardship and persecution in his service for the Lord.” (Page 33)
“I am convinced God’s blessing has been on us primarily because our people have shown a strong commitment to biblical leadership and biblical ministry.” (source)
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Jarrod Spedding
hongkiang lee
Terry Cavanaugh
Dennis Pulley