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Notes on the Prophecy and Lamentations of Jeremiah

Digital Verbum Edition

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Jeremiah is one among many of Israel’s prophets—Isaiah before him, Daniel and Ezekiel after—yet Jeremiah’s prophecy reveals like no other the sentiments of Yahweh and the evil of Judah as their independence evaporated and exile in Babylon began. Jeremiah’s message was one of honesty, lament, and condemnation, and he was punished for it. Yet God continued to speak prophetically through Jeremiah—the lone voice of Yahweh to his people throughout the early years of exile. Ironside’s commentary on the prophecy of Jeremiah takes us on a chapter-by-chapter journey through the entire book, revealing the tenuous relationship between God and his people.

Product Details

  • Title: Notes on the Prophecy and Lamentations of Jeremiah
  • Author: H. A. Ironside
  • Publisher: Loizeaux Brothers
  • Publication Date: 1906
  • Pages: 358

About Harry Allen Ironside

Harry Allen Ironside, one of the twentieth century’s greatest preachers, was born in Toronto, Canada on October 14, 1876. Though his education stopped with grammar school, his fondness for reading and a retentive memory put his learning to use. His scholarship was recognized in academic circles when he received honorary degrees from Wheaton College and Bob Jones University and was invited as frequent lecturer at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Ironside was appointed to the boards of numerous Bible institutes, seminaries, and Christian organizations. He also served as director of the Africa Inland Mission. Ironside preached widely throughout the United States and abroad. He served as pastor of Moody Memorial Church from 1930 to 1948, and during his lifetime, he preached more than 7,000 sermons to over 1.25 million listeners.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition

Top Highlights

“This being an incontestable fact, none could deny His righteousness in sparing a nation, as He spared Nineveh, after sentence of judgment had gone forth—provided the guilty people should turn from their evil way and seek His face.” (Page 92)

“Among the host of latter-day evils which are sapping the very foundations of Christianity in the minds of the masses, none has been more audaciously impious in its assault upon the truth of God than the so-called Higher Criticism. Under the guise of reverent scholarship seeking to determine the authenticity of books that faith has never questioned, the advocates of this destructive school have not hesitated to cut in pieces the Scriptures of truth, and deliberately seek to falsify the very words of the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Page 189)

“It is an utterly false system of exegesis that would spiritualize all this, and then apply it to the Church in this dispensation. The language is plain and simple. It is a millennial picture, descriptive of the joy of Messiah’s kingdom when set up in this world.” (Page 159)

“The prophet, broken-hearted, is inconsolable. He forms one of a trio, with Moses and Paul, who could all alike be cut off themselves if their people might but be saved.” (Page 68)

“These self-appointed prophets, unsent by God and with no word from Him, could not cause the people to turn from their evil ways; they but encouraged them in their sin.” (Pages 114–115)


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