Digital Verbum Edition
This Greek volume of the Dictionary of Biblical Languages (DBL) provides a comprehensive resource for the student of Biblical Greek. The text is ordered by GK (Goodrick-Kohlenberger) numbers, but virtually every article contains references to Strong's numbers as well. Links to the Louw-Nida Lexicon (also available for the Logos Bible Software) abound. Information on semantic domains is a mouse-click away. In essence, this Greek volume of the DBL is a centralized source of information about Biblical Greek, with numerous links to other resources for comparison.
Don’t miss the popular companion resource: Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT) or the bundle of DBL resources: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
“be patient, exhibit internal and external control in difficult circumstance, long-suffering” (source)
“pertaining to that which is identical to something” (source)
“57.236 retain by force, here the focus is on the holding of something by force (Php 2:6+)” (source)
“unique, only, one and only, i.e., one of a kind: (many versions) only begotten” (source)
“make adequate, furnish completely, make sufficient, hence, in some contexts, mend, restore” (source)
8 ratings
Kenute P. Curry
Martin Kuiper
Stephen E Moser
Douglas Ray
Jacob Israel
Anthony Grubb