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Products>Application Commentaries Bundle (44 vols.)

Application Commentaries Bundle (44 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

Verbum Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.


Collection value: $350.56
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The Application Commentaries Bundle is compiled of commentaries that are exegetically accurate, theologically sound, and intensely practical. Every verse in the New Testament is supplemented by background surrounding and application for how it relates to us today. Also included are sermon ideas that supply valuable insight and application for God’s Word to our daily lives.

Resource Experts
  • Title: Application Commentaries Bundle
  • Volumes: 44
  • Pages: 6,996
Value if sold separately
||Partially included
Value if sold separately
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8 ratings

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  1. Joseph E

    Joseph E


  2. Santosh Sharma
  3. Pheakdey thath
  4. Jacob Baldwin

    Jacob Baldwin


  5. Larry Craig

    Larry Craig


    sure wish there were some sample pages here. I'm a sucker for commentaries, but I still want to see what I am getting before purchasing. I have all the Wiersbe ones. I just need to see the Life Application ones. Thank you
  6. Russell Gregg

    Russell Gregg


  7. Charlie Wellham
  8. Chris



  9. Stephen Jones

    Stephen Jones


    The picture Logos uses is misleading. I have a couple of Life Application Commentaries (LAC) on the NT in print, and I have the Wiersbe Series to complement them. Both books appear to be the same thickness on the website, but the Wiersbe books are about 1/3 the thickness of the LAC. The content of each of the books is excellent and highly recommended, even though the shortcoming of the LAC is that their applications are verse specific, and doesn't put the context together with it very well. This could lead to developing bad theology. Wiersebe focuses on the context as a whole and tries to make the passage relevant to today's readers. It is not highly technical, but very applicational, hence the pairing with the LAC. In addition to this, the Wiersebe "Be" series comes as part of the package with Logos. I am not sure which one, but I purchased the Platinum and it came with it. The price of the set is confusing as the price of the LAC is 149.95 ( But Logos could have sold us a package that is incomplete: one of the major downfalls to the Logos product. Buyer beware when it comes to commentary sets. You likely will not get what you think you should be getting. But the LAC is complete. So the consumer will get their money's worth with this product. And if the package does not come with Wiersbe's "Be" series, this is one of the best prices Logos has on commentaries.
  10. Mark Batten

    Mark Batten



Collection value: $350.56
Save $90.57 (25%)
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