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Eastern Orthodox Theology, 2nd ed.: A Contemporary Reader

ISBN: 9780801026515

Digital Verbum Edition

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Theologians of the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrate and explain the nuances of their faith in Eastern Orthodox Theology, a collection of readings for those who wish to better understand key aspects of the Orthodox faith, such as liturgy and sacraments, tradition, the mystical encounter between person and God, and relations with other branches of the church.

This new edition includes all of the readings present in the first edition, including articles by Vladimir Lossky, George Florovsky, and Alexander Schmemann. Two new articles have been added to update the section on Orthodoxy's relationship with the West: Articles from Timothy Weber (the only non-Orthodox contribution) and Bradley Nassif address the growing interface between the evangelical and Orthodox traditions.

Top Highlights

“Above all things Orthodoxy is a liturgical tradition which takes quite literally the maxim, usually attributed to Pope Celestine I (422–32), ‘Lex orandi est lex credendi et agendi’ (‘the rule of prayer is the rule of belief and action’). While Westerners tend to learn their theology from books in the library, Orthodoxy specializes in learning theology from the liturgy and worship in the sanctuary.” (Page 8)

“Theosis! What does this deep and profound word mean? It means the elevation of the human being to the divine sphere, to the atmosphere of God. It means the union of the human with the divine.” (Page 184)

“The Orthodox approach to religion is fundamentally a liturgical approach, which understands doctrine in the context of divine worship.” (Page 13)

“divinely instituted ceremonies that deliver, by visible means, mysteriously transmitted invisible grace” (Page 21)

“when they are worthily received, become instruments, means of transmission, of divine grace.” (Page 21)

Daniel B. Clendenin (Ph. D., Drew University) works with Intervarsity Graduate and Faculty Ministries at Stanford University. He previously served as visiting professor of Christian Studies at Moscow State University.


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    John Vignol



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