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Products>A Bible Commentary for English Readers, Vols. I–VIII

A Bible Commentary for English Readers, Vols. I–VIII

Digital Verbum Edition

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Print list price: $299.95
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A compilation of the work of over 25 authors such as Rev. Payne Smith, Rev. Charles J. Ellicott and Rev. Charles H. Waller, this collection is a must have for anyone wanting to gain a greater understanding of the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible. A Bible Commentary for English Readers is written in such a format that makes the text easy to understand since the scripture and commentary are on the same page. This makes for easier reading and correlation between the scripture and commentary because the content is derived from English instead of Greek as in Ellicott’s other works.

The books contained in this collection focus on the text from an English perspective whereas Ellicott’s other works are discussed from a Greek viewpoint. By recognizing that the content of A Bible Commentary for English Readers focuses on English rather than Greek, and pays attention to the expository side less than the technical since it does not contain Greek words or terminology. If you are looking for a good, solid commentary that is relevant and easy to understand, then A Bible Commentary for English Readers is one you do not want to pass up!

Please note that these eight volumes will display as a single resource in your Logos digital library.

  • Contains commentary on the Old Testament and the New Testament
  • Each volume includes a map of the location mentioned in it
  • Contains an introduction to each book
  • Title: A Bible Commentary for English Readers (8 Vols.)
  • Editor: Charles J. Ellicott
  • Publisher: Cassell and Company
  • Volumes: 8
  • Pages: 4,473
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2 ratings

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  1. Ronnie Bilbrey
  2. Brad Kilgore

    Brad Kilgore


    Man I love this commentary! It is on Bible Hub
  3. Nigel Stevenson
    A lovely "Old" commentary
  4. James Carter

    James Carter


    One of my favorite "old" commentaries.


Print list price: $299.95
Save $199.96 (66%)