Digital Verbum Edition
During his accomplished career, Charles Ryrie authored dozens of articles in academic journals and popular periodicals. His articles deal with theological topics, biblical texts, contemporary concerns, and other subjects.
This resource includes the following articles:
Charles C. Ryrie is a renowned author and scholar. He has written dozens of books which have sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide. As a scholar, he has served in several capacities throughout this career. He was ordained by the First Baptist Church in Alton, Illinois. He spent five years at Westmont College, first as professor, later as dean of men and chairman of biblical studies and philosophy. In 1958 he became president of Philadelphia College of Bible. He spent most of his career as a professor of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. The father of three, he is now professor emeritus of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary and acts as visiting professor of theology at Philadelphia College of Bible.
“Reception of God’s good news brings separation from former things.” (Page 2)
“The second symptom of modern Galatianism is self-promotion.” (Page 160)
“The third characteristic of the Galatian error was a warped emphasis on certain doctrines.” (Page 161)
“My own definition of a type is that it is a divinely purposed illustration which prefigures its corresponding reality.” (Page 14)
“The third characteristic of false intellectualism is this: be constantly rethinking everything.” (Page 159)
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John Echols
Ariel Isaac Alvarenga de Góes
Dr. Bill Barrick
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Charles Arriola
Dean Poulos
Scott S. Scheurich