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Products>Studies on Christ and His Kingdom Collection (5 vols.)

Studies on Christ and His Kingdom Collection (5 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

Verbum Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.



The Studies on Christ and His Kingdom Collection explores the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament and carried on by his Church. Exploring the biblical text chapter-by-chapter throughout each of the Gospels and Acts, these volumes bring academic teaching and thought together for a comprehensive, accessible study of Christ and his mission. The Luminous Mysteries contains meditations written by early church fathers on the person of Christ, and the other four volumes end each chapter with study questions for your small group or class. These volumes are indispensable for studying Christ and his church.

This special Logos version allows you to explore the text like never before. Bible references and cross-references appear on mouseover, allowing you to read citations straight from the Bible, Catechism, or the writings of the early church fathers without having to leave the page. Each volume of this collection becomes instantly searchable, allowing you to connect instantly by finding where the writer talks about the “wedding at Cana” or “the Ascension.”

Key Features

  • Provides solid, trustworthy content in language anyone can appreciate
  • Explores biblical text with an expository narrative
  • Gives study questions and materials for group study and individual research

Product Details

  • Title: Studies on Christ and His Kingdom Collection
  • Authors: Timothy Gray, Stephen Pimentel, and Edward Sri
  • Publisher: Emmaus Road Publishing
  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 769
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||Partially included
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2 ratings

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  1. kentuckyliz



    Good authors/speakers/writers here...these are good books, and although I have them in print, I wanted them in my Logos/Verbum collection.
  2. Deacon Tim Johnson
