Digital Verbum Edition
No marriage is hopeless. That’s MarriageToday’s foundational belief, proven year after year as husbands and wives discover restoration for their troubled marriages. And now, the teaching behind relationship and marriage strengthening comes to Logos Bible Software.
Christian marriage expert Jimmy Evans and the teaching staff at MarriageToday bring together more than 150 sermons and small-group lessons for Christian couples married or thinking about marriage. In Logos, this impressive archive brings the best marriage tools right to your fingertips—whether you’re on a PC, Mac, or mobile device. Learn from the experts—and, in turn, provide expert counseling—from Jimmy Evans and MarriageToday.
In Logos, this archive integrates seamlessly with the software. Discover marriage advice when you run searches by Bible verse or topic, and dig deeper with links to other texts in your library.
“No, ladies and gentleman, marriage is not just ‘a piece of paper.’ Marriage is the spirit of the Living God. (Amen from the crowd) Marriage is a spiritual relationship. In the beginning when He created marriage, He put a spiritual blessing over the marriage. And Adam and Eve violated the spiritual blessing. Did you realize that Adam and Eve traded the blessing of God for a piece of fruit? They took, they did not see, they did not appreciate the presence of God on their marriage. Understand this, when the presence of God left their marriage, they were naked and afraid and divided and condemned and alone and all the blessing of God had departed from their marriage. I want you to understand that what makes marriage blessed, is the spirit of God on that marriage.” (source)
“Number three characteristic of renewed mind. I am going to go through these real quickly. Is fresh thinking … number three is fresh thinking. Israel was in a box.” (source)
“Number seven reason why we pray is to declare the will and word of God into the seen and unseen realms.” (source)
“three original conditions of God’s blessing on marriage” (source)
“Intimacy also means unhindered access on every level to another individual. It means I have unhindered access to your thoughts. I have unhindered access to your emotions. I have unhindered access spiritually to what is going on in your life.” (source)
Jimmy Evans is the founder and CEO of MarriageToday, a ministry out of Dallas, Texas, devoted to helping couples build strong and Christ-centered marriages and families. Together with his wife, Karen, they co-host MarriageToday with Jimmy and Karen, a nationally syndicated television program broadcast into over 110 million homes in America and over 200 countries worldwide. He has authored more than ten books, including Marriage on the Rock, Freedom from Your Past, and Ten Steps toward Christ. He serves as the senior leader of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas, as Apostolic Elder of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, as overseer of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, and presides over Trinity Fellowship Association of Churches.
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