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Products>Romans through History and Culture Series (5 vols.)

Romans through History and Culture Series (5 vols.)

Digital Verbum Edition

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Collection value: $145.95
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The Romans through History and Cultures Series features a wealth of information regarding the receptions of Romans throughout the history of the church and today. It explores the past and present impact of Romans upon theology, and upon cultural, political, social, and ecclesial life, and gender relations.

In each volume, the authors contribute to an integrated practice known as “Scriptural Criticism,” which takes into account: with contemporary biblical scholars, that different readings can be grounded in the same text by different critical methods; with church historians and practical theologians, that the believers’ readings interrelate biblical text and concrete life; and with theologians, that believers read Romans as Scripture.

Any interpretation of a scriptural text is framed in three ways: by an analytical frame that reflects each reader’s autonomous choice of a textual dimension as most significant; by a contextual/pragmatic frame shaped by a certain relational network of life in society and community; and by a hermeneutical frame inspired by a certain religious perception of life. By elucidating the threefold choices reflected in various interpretations of Romans through the centuries and present-day cultures, the volumes in the series raise a fundamental critical question: Why did I/we choose this interpretation rather than another one?

  • Features studies on various aspects of Romans and Paul’s teachings
  • Discusses viewpoints of Early Church Fathers on Romans
  • Title: Romans through History and Culture Series
  • Series: Romans through History and Culture
  • Publishers: T&T Clark and Trinity Press
  • Volumes: 5
  • Pages: 1,374
  • Resource Type: Monographs
  • Topic: Romans
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  1. Robert Quinn

    Robert Quinn


    Your library is an essential tool for the beginner and the scholar to achieve the subtance necessary


Collection value: $145.95
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