Digital Verbum Edition
It is clear, both theologically and historically, that the New Testament is the continuation and fruit of the Old, and that the doctrine concerning our Lord which is essential to a right understanding, either of the Gospel history or of the theology of the Incarnation, must rest on the prophecies taken in the largest sense, in which they include the whole series of the providential arrangements of God, by means of which the actual mystery of his supreme condescension was ushered in, and the world prepared for its own astonishing elevation. This volume tells us of the preparation which was made for the coming of Christ in the world at large, in the chosen people, and in the persons more immediately connected with Christ’s advent.
In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Interested in more? Be sure to check out the Modern Studies on the Incarnation (26 vols.).
“For as the glory of Mary is a part of the glory of Jesus, so is the glory of Joseph a part of the glory of Mary” (Page 329)
Henry James Coleridge (1822–1893) was a professor of Scripture at the Theological College of St. Bueno’s, North Wales. He served as editor for The Month and The Messenger, for which he also wrote numerous articles and essays. His works include The Public Life of Our Lord, The Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier, and The Life and Letters of St. Teresa.