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First and Second Timothy, Titus (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture | CCSS)

ISBN: 9781441251527

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The apostle Paul’s New Testament letters to Timothy and Titus offer crucial guidelines for pastors and church leaders. Montague presents sound exegesis that fully explores the offices and duties proposed in the first century, explains how they differ from contemporary practice, and reflects on the pastoral, theological, and practical applications of the text.

With the Logos edition, each Scripture passage links with your favorite translation, and is easy to study side by side with your other commentaries. You can search by topic or Scripture with lightning fast results!

  • Offers detailed exposition and commentary on the text
  • Provides introduction to authorship, literary unity, historical context, theological themes, and contemporary relevance
  • Includes a glossary, indexes, and a list of suggested resources

Top Highlights

“To paraphrase St. Thomas Aquinas, although God does not need our prayers in order to act, he wishes to act because we have prayed.” (Page 53)

“The duties are not light. Heading the list is … administration? No! The first task of the pastor is to proclaim the word. ‘Proclaim’ is a better word than ‘preach’ here, because for Catholics, at least today, preaching means a ten- or fifteen-minute Sunday homily, whereas the kēryx in Greek culture was the herald of the king who cried out his announcements ‘on the housetops’ (Matt 10:27), that is, giving the message the widest publicity possible.” (Page 191)

“Here Timothy must realize he is more than a teacher of truth (1 Tim 1:3–7); he is above all a minister of worship” (Page 50)

“Suffering itself is of no avail for transformation unless its darkness is bathed in the overwhelming light of God’s love and grace.” (Page 238)

“The first duty of the Church is to pray, and the first duty of the shepherd is to organize the worship of the Church.” (Page 49)

A good mixture of scriptural scholarship, background information, church teaching, and practical application. . . . [This commentary] will help especially the teacher and the preacher.

—David Sanders, master of students and teaches Scripture, Blackfriars, Oxford

George Montague’s volume on First and Second Timothy, Titus in the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is a rich addition to the study of the Pastoral Epistles. Tackling the tough questions of authorship and dating, Montague presents a scholarly and Catholic exegesis that incisively analyzes all the arguments and draws carefully thought-out conclusions. Gleaning from sources ancient and modern, the scope of the commentary is broad and faithfully Catholic. The sidebars and historical and cultural notes make this an exceptionally valuable resource. This is certainly a welcomed addition to my library!

Steve Ray, host of the ten-part documentary series Footprints of God: The Story of Salvation from Abraham to Augustine

  • Title: Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture: First and Second Timothy, Titus
  • Author: George T. Montague
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 272

George T. Montague, SM (STD, University of Fribourg), is a professor of New Testament at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Understanding the Bible. In 1995, he began a new religious community in the Marianist family, the Brothers of the Beloved Disciple.


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