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Biblical People Dataset

Digital Verbum Edition

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Everything we know about more than 5,000 biblical people

Our team has painstakingly catalogued the roles, biblical passages, family relationships, and other important data associated with virtually every character in Scripture. When you search for biblical people in the Factbook, Logos scours this database, gathering a short description of how they fit into biblical history, every time they are mentioned in the Bible, links to dictionary articles, and more.

The Biblical People Dataset catalogues more than 15,000 relationships between biblical people, and close to 1,000 group membership relations (such as tribe or religious party). We’ve identified more than 2,000 unique cultural, religious, and civic roles held by biblical people. For instance, search for “Moses” in the Factbook and discover he was a judge, leader, prophet, psalmist, and author of a biblical book. Biblical allusions, links to images from your Logos library, original language lemmas, and more are drawn from the dataset and put right at your fingertips. The information we’ve collected represents years of research that Logos has done for you. We’ve hand tagged and cross-referenced thousands of entries so you have access to the information you need in an instant.

Discover more ways Logos Bible Software delivers insight for your Bible study with Notable People Dataset.

The Biblical People Dataset catalogues . . .

  • Every biblical reference to over 5,000 biblical people, even when he or she is identified by a pronoun or other name
  • Links to dictionary articles, encyclopedia entries, infographics, photographs, illustrations, and more
  • Provides insight into the use of New Testament terms
  • 4,854 family relationships
  • 2,233 role relationships
  • 939 group membership relations

Product Details

  • Title: Biblical People Dataset
  • Editor: Elizabeth Licata
  • Publisher: Lexham Press
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Resource Type: Datasets
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